Jose Hess, Leading Founder of American Designer Jewelry Movement
Written by Jose Hess' wife, Maggie Hess, this summary was provided to the AGTA by the 24K Club in remembrance after the passing of their longtime member since 1983 and past president in 1993. MORE
US$2 Million Available in 2021 GIA Scholarships
GIA - AGTA Member
Whether you are new to the gem and jewelry industry or a veteran looking to expand your knowledge, education from GIA will equip you with the tools to succeed. A scholarship from GIA makes achieving your educational goals financially attainable. MORE
New Fundamentals of Jewelry Appraisal Course
American Society of Appraisers
This class is intended to introduce participants to the fundamental concepts and the basic knowledge needed to write an appraisal report. MORE
92Y to Host Upcoming Talks with Wallace Chan, Kendra Scott
National Jeweler
This month, the 92Y Jewelry Center will begin facilitating virtual conversations with some special jewelry guests. MORE
US Jewelry Sales Rose 3% in January
Instore Mag
2021 kicked off with retail gains across nearly all sectors and all 50 U.S. states, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, which measures in-store and online retail sales across all forms of payment. MORE