ePRISM: August 26, 2020

AGTA ePrism 08/26/20
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AGTA ePrism

U.S. Customs Update
U.S. Customs now requires items originating in Hong Kong to be marked with China as Country-of-Origin. MORE


Pearl's Eternal Appeal
Instore Mag
See AGTA members, Imperial Pearl and little h, featured in this article for their mesmerizing use of cultured Pearls in their jewelry! MORE

Stuller Celebrates 50 Years of Offering 'Millions of Ways' to Meet the Independent Jeweler's Needs
See AGTA member, Stuller, Inc., featured in this article celebrating its 50th anniversary this year as one of the largest jewelry manufacturers and distributors in the country! MORE

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Gem 2000

July Retail Sales Up, But Retail Foot Traffic Dips Again
Retail sales in July continued to recover from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic shutdowns, growing more slowly than the month before but adding to the strong turnaround seen since this spring's declines, say figures from the National Retail Federation. MORE

Silver Promotion Service Launches VIRTUAL SILVER PAVILION
Silver Promotion Services
Digital Platform inspired by consumer research highlighting strong purchase intent for silver jewelry. Silver Promotion Service (SPS), which is an arm of the Silver Institute, announced today the launch of its all-new VIRTUAL SILVER PAVILION on savorsilver.com. MORE

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Have You Read PRISM Vol. 2 Yet?
If you haven't had a chance to read our most recent issue of PRISM, you can read online from the comfort of your home or office! MORE

AGTA COVID-19 Resource List
From Marketing During COVID-19, to Free Online Seminars, #AGTATogether, AGTA Member Benefits and lifting our limitations on free stock-photography; check out all of AGTA’s COVID-19 Resources in one place! MORE

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5 Effective Strategies for Amplifying Your Digital Presence
Instore Mag
Shutdowns and social distancing guidelines have restricted instore business, forcing jewelers to find new ways to reach and interact with their customers or risk losing business to those that are ahead in their digital presence. MORE





Call for ePRISM Content
ePRISM is always looking for interesting content.  If you have stories related to colored gemstones or pearls to share with our readers please email them to [email protected] for consideration.  Send web links or separate files.

The articles and website links appearing in ePrism, and not written by the American Gem Trade Association, are included in the e-publication as general information from -- and for -- the Trade, but do not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the American Gem Trade Association and its members.

Marketing, 800-972-1162, 214-742-4367

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