ePRISM: October 05, 2022

AGTA ePrism 10/05/22
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AGTA ePrism

2023 AGTA GemFair™ Tucson Hotels
The 2023 AGTA GemFair™ Tucson hotels are open and accepting reservations. MORE

Real Gems

AGTA 40th Anniversary Celebration
RSVP to the join us on Tuesday, February 31st to celebrate AGTA’s 40th Anniversary. MORE

The Many Colors Of October's Birthstone
AGTA Member Margery Hirschey and Monica Rich Kosann. Those born in October have multiple choices when it comes to their birthstone. Opals, the primary stone, feature an array of alternatives: Australian black opals, which are anything but basic black. MORE

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Gem 2000

Tatler's Jewellery Editor selects 30 dazzling opal pieces for October's birthstone
See AGTA Member Ray Griffiths Inc. Opal is arguably the most unique and diverse birthstone of all. It takes on many shapes, each with their own firework display of colours, with streaks of red, blue, yellow, green and purple flashing through the stone, making them a constant source of wonder. MORE

Cutting differently: Inside the whimsical world of fantasy gems
Jewellery Business
The role of a traditional gem cutter is no walk in the park. Whether faceting, cabochon, or carving, it is vital to arm oneself with patience, discipline, and, of course, a pair of practiced eyes to see a gemstone’s full potential.
So, how can retailers drive traffic and in-store fun this year, while also balancing everyone's needs and preferences?

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Tucson 40th

Jewelers Cleaning Up, Helping Out After Hurricane Ian Hits
JCK Online
The news headlines and stories say it all: "Hurricane Ian Pulverized Fort Myers Beach." "Ian Bludgeons Southwest Florida with Devastating Winds and Storm Surge." "Ian Leaves Flooding and Damage Across Florida." MORE

Ann Arbor jewelry store closes after 35 years
AGTA Spectrum Award™ Winner. The Warburton couple owns Austin & Warburton, an Ann Arbor jewelry store known for designing and creating engagement rings. After 35 years of running the store, 2335 W. Stadium Boulevard, the Warburtons recently announced their retirement and closed the shop. MORE

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Become a Member

The Best of Betty White's Jewelry Sold at Auction
National Jeweler
See AGTA Members John Dyer and Rippana. While the late, great Betty White might not have had a jewelry collection on par with Elizabeth Taylor's, that doesn't make her jewelry any less interesting or personal. MORE


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AGTA GemFair Tucson



Call for ePRISM Content
ePRISM is always looking for interesting content.  If you have stories related to colored gemstones or pearls to share with our readers please email them to [email protected] for consideration.  Send web links or separate files.

The articles and website links appearing in ePrism, and not written by the American Gem Trade Association, are included in the e-publication as general information from -- and for -- the Trade, but do not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the American Gem Trade Association and its members.

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