ePRISM: May 06, 2020

AGTA ePrism 05/06/20
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AGTA ePrism

AGTA GemFair™ Tucson Educational Seminar Series is Now Free & Online!
Learn about gemstones from mine to market, legal issues facing the industry, in-depth gemstone discussions, social media and marketing, newest bench techniques, roundtable hosting, and more! MORE


WJA Announces 2020 Carelle/WJA Member Grant Winner
WJA - AGTA Member
Congratulations to AGTA Member, Original Eve Designs, for being awarded the 2020 Carelle/WJA Member Grant! MORE

Enroll in GIA Essentials eLearning Courses at No Charge
GIA - AGTA Member
As the global gem and jewelry industry navigates through the COVID-19 pandemic, the GIA is making access to its introductory courses easier than ever before. MORE

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Gem 2000

Mine to Design
Hayley Henning
See AGTA Members, Erica Courtney, Inc., Greenland Ruby A/S (HayleyLovesColor, Inc. dba Greenland Ruby A/S), Featherstone Design, and Victor-Christy Studios, Inc. in this webinar that brings together jewelry designers to discuss how mine visits have impacted their creativity, design and business! MORE

WJA NY Metro | From Jaipur Out: An Analysis of the Emerald Market
WJA - AGTA Member
See AGTA Member, Shekhar Shah with Real Gems, discuss recent changes in the Emerald market on May 27! All of WJA New York Metro's May events are free for members and non-members this month. MORE

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Become a Member

Announcing Virtual National Convention in May 2020
Jewelers of America is holding our 2nd annual National Convention online on May 26-28, 2020. MORE

Are You Participating in #AGTATogether?
Just because we have to be separated right now, doesn't mean we can't be together! In our ever-changing world, connection to each other is vital. That's why we've launched #AGTATogether to help keep our AGTA Community connected, and we want to hear from you! MORE

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The Undeniable Power of Social Media
Social Media Explorer
What began as a small online platform for a bunch or university students to keep in touch, soon morphed into a multi-billion dollar industry that pretty much rules the World Wide Web, in terms of user numbers. MORE





Call for ePRISM Content
ePRISM is always looking for interesting content.  If you have stories related to colored gemstones or pearls to share with our readers please email them to [email protected] for consideration.  Send web links or separate files.

The articles and website links appearing in ePrism, and not written by the American Gem Trade Association, are included in the e-publication as general information from -- and for -- the Trade, but do not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the American Gem Trade Association and its members.

Marketing, 800-972-1162, 214-742-4367

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