ePRISM: July 22, 2020

AGTA ePrism 07/22/20
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AGTA ePrism

PRISM Vol. 2 is Out!
If you haven't had a chance to read our most recent issue of PRISM, you can read online from the comfort of your home or office! MORE


WJA Announces Lineup of Speakers and Sponsors for Virtual 2020 Awards for Excellence July 27
WJA - AGTA Member
Keynote presenters include notable authors and a TED Talks speaker on corporate leadership. WJA will also host sessions on diversity and mentorship. Event sponsors include Natural Diamond Council, Boston Consulting Group, Citizen, Forevermark, American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) and Jewelers of America. MORE

Join AGTA & Receive a FREE 2020 AGTA Spectrum Awards™ Entry
The AGTA Spectrum Awards™ is open for anyone to enter; however, if you join AGTA, first-time Members earn a free entry into the competition, a $295 value! MORE

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Gem 2000

These are the Rockstar Retailers of 2020
Instore Mag
The INSTORE team is excited to announce the winners of the 19th annual America's Coolest Stores Contest! MORE

NRF Calls on Retailers to Institute Nationwide Mask Policy
Fox Business
National Retail Federation President Matt Shay on keeping retailers open safely by requiring face masks to prevent coronavirus spread. MORE

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Become a Member

Which Gemstone's Green-Apple Hues have been Adorned for Over 4,000 Years?
That's right, Peridot! Read up on the August birthstone that was dubbed as "evenings Emerald" by the Romans! MORE

United Nations publishes CIBJO statement to ECOSOC High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
The Office of the United Nations Secretary General has announced the publication of statements delivered by NGOs affiliated to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), for the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development that is currently taking place. MORE

agta eprism

AGTA COVID-19 Resource List
From Marketing During COVID-19, to Free Online Seminars, #AGTATogether, AGTA Member Benefits and lifting our limitations on free stock-photography; check out all of AGTA's COVID-19 Resources in one place! MORE

How and Where to Fight for Your Marketing Budget
Marketing Land
While many businesses should consider reduced top-of-funnel ad spend, very few should abandon it altogether. You'll want to ensure you are in a position to power back during the recovery. MORE





Call for ePRISM Content
ePRISM is always looking for interesting content.  If you have stories related to colored gemstones or pearls to share with our readers please email them to [email protected] for consideration.  Send web links or separate files.

The articles and website links appearing in ePrism, and not written by the American Gem Trade Association, are included in the e-publication as general information from -- and for -- the Trade, but do not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the American Gem Trade Association and its members.

Marketing, 800-972-1162, 214-742-4367

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