What’s the Recipe for the Most Fun Show in the Industry? Food Trucks, Sweet Treats, & Wine!

AGTA has taken great pride in creating an internationally regarded, premier trade show.  Not only are the AGTA GemFairs the ultimate destination for quality, beauty, and integrity in the world of colored gemstones and cultured pearls, but we’ve created an environment that makes shopping at AGTA GemFair™ Tucson an absolute delight. From coffee carts all over the show floor in the morning, to free sweet treats and wine in the afternoon, and an outdoor dining experience with amazing gourmet options under the Tucson sun, we have curated the perfect recipe for the most fun show in the industry! 

Food for the Foodies

Food Trucks

  • Molecular Munchies
  • Don Pedro’s Peruvian Bistro
  • Kababeque Indian (Saffron)
  • Dickey’s BBQ
  • Meatball Madness


  • Build your own salad
  • Smoothies
  • Kosher

Sweets that Keep on Treating

Enjoy sweet and savory treats that will satisfy your afternoon cravings after a long day on your feet! From cookies to brownies, and other delicious pastries, from 4:00-6:00 PM, Tuesday through Saturday, sugary pick-me-ups will offered throughout the show.

Wine Down in the Afternoons

Looking to wine down near the end of the day at the GemFair? 

Head up to the Grand Ballroom from 4:00-6:00 PM from Tuesday to Saturday to relax, discover some of the most magnificent colored gemstone jewelry from our Designers and gaze upon the AGTA Spectrum Awards Winning Showcase to vote on this year’s Buyers’ Choice Award!