PGI USA to Offer Facilitated Sale Training to All Retailers During COVID-19 Crisis
PGI - AGTA Member
This year, due to the global pandemic, the organization has rewritten the platinum training playbook and is now offering sessions to retailers across the country from the safety of their own homes. MORE Three Birthstones Coming up in June, Get Started by Refreshing Yourself on Pearls!
Learn all about the gemstone that has a rich history, filled with Ancient Hindu writings, referring to Pearls as the wedding gem! MORE
Instore Announces Online Jewelry Week
Instore Mag
Special Online Event: Bringing the products, designs and learning opportunities of the Vegas shows to you at home. MORE
GIA Reopens Five Laboratories
GIA Press Release - AGTA Member
As GIA continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemic, the Institute has reopened laboratories in Antwerp, Carlsbad, Gaborone, Johannesburg and Tokyo with modified schedules and limited capacity. MORE
Breakthrough Scientific Study on Precious Coral Identification Leads to New DNA Coral Fingerprinting Service by SSEF
A breakthrough study entitled "DNA fingerprinting: an effective tool for taxonomic identification of precious corals in jewelry," has led to a new service being offered by SSEF to aid in the traceability of precious coral jewellery. MORE