ePRISM: March 27, 2019

AGTA ePrism 03/27/19
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AGTA ePrism

Everyone is a Winner at AGTA Spectrum Awards™ Editors’ Day!
Editors from consumer fashion and industry trade publications, fashion bloggers and social media ambassadors attend the AGTA Spectrum Awards™ to view and write about all of the Spectrum entries! MORE

agta eprism


Celebrate April Birthdays with Fancy Colored Diamonds
Perhaps the world's best-known gemstone, Diamond's purity and brilliance has been celebrated since ancient times. MORE

What Do We Mean When We Say 'Ethical' Sourcing?
National Jeweler
The industry is at a point where it risks having too many different conversations and too many different meanings for these terms, possibly creating more confusion than clarity. MORE

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'Pearl Goddess' Pours Experience, Support into GIA Alumni Association
See AGTA member, King's Ransom, featured for their founder's outstanding support for the GIA Alumni Association. MORE

Judging Jade: How to identify Type A, B, and C Jadeite
Jewellery Business
Whether you buy your materials at the Jade market, an annual jewellery exhibition, or a friend's Jade factory, you don't need to be an expert to make a smart purchase. MORE

2019 GemFair Las Vegas


This 13-Carat Pink Diamond Just Sold for $8.7M+
Instore Mag
Gem Diamonds Ltd. announced that a 13.33 carat pink Diamond recovered at the Letšeng mine in February has been sold for $8.75 million. MORE

Queen Victoria's Small Coronet Has a Big Story
NY Times
It was designed for Queen Victoria by Prince Albert in 1840, the year of their marriage, and was to become one of her most important jewels. MORE

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Killer Tips for a Powerful Social Media Strategy
Social Media Explorer
Social media, love it or hate it, can be the difference between life and death for a business, public figure, or even a work relationship. MORE









China Stone

Call for ePRISM Content
ePRISM is always looking for interesting content.  If you have stories related to colored gemstones or pearls to share with our readers please email them to [email protected] for consideration.  Send web links or separate files.

The articles and website links appearing in ePrism, and not written by the American Gem Trade Association, are included in the e-publication as general information from -- and for -- the Trade, but do not necessarily reflect the opinion or endorsement of the American Gem Trade Association and its members.

Marketing, 800-972-1162, 214-742-4367

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