Virtual Spectrum Awards Gala

It’s Time to Celebrate the Winners of the 2020 AGTA Spectrum Awards™!

We wish we would could have done an in-person event in Tucson this year, but we hope you appreciate the presentation that we have put together for you. Our virtual event will be held on July 1st, 2021 at 7:00PM EDT / 4:00PM PDT.

Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten the Buyers’ Choice Award! Vote for your favorite entry prior to the Virtual AGTA Spectrum Awards™ Gala. The winner will be announced live at the event!

Dates & Times

Virtual AGTA Spectrum Awards™ Gala
July 1, 2021
7:00PM EDT / 4:00PM PDT

Deadline to Submit Votes for the Buyers’ Choice Award
June 30, 2021